Hillsborough County is developing guidelines on how to make decisions on County policies and procedures using an “equity lens”. Why is Hillsborough County developing an equity profile action plan? Equity of services build a sense of belonging, and shared values along with better outcomes for health, housing, economic opportunity, and other key indicators of community strength.

MGT Consulting, LLC. (MGT) is working with the County to develop the equity action plan. A successful and measurable action plan requires voices from all impacted residents. We need your input on how you view current inequities that impacts your quality of life in the following areas:

•  Economic Opportunity

•  Digital Divide

•  Housing

•  Healthcare

•  Land Use/Zoning

•  Criminal Justice

•  Transportation

•  Food Security


What should be done to ensure equity for all Hillsborough County residents?

Choose the method you wish

to give your input:

 3. 24/7 Voicemail - (813) 327-4716

 1. Community Listening Session (in-person)

January 11, 2022 l 6:00 - 8:00 pm

C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. Library

2607 E. Dr. MLK, Jr. Blvd.

Tampa, Florida 33610

 2. Virtual Community Listening Session:

Wed., January 11, 2022 @ 10:00 am l Zoom

Encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to participate. We look forward to receiving your input that will help with this initiative.